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Blog Posts

close up of two pineberries
Read article: Grow pineapple-flavored treats in your garden
Grow pineapple-flavored treats in your garden
As spring planting begins and we look forward to the harvests of our labors, one of the best summer treats are strawberries. Depending on cultivar...
sweet corn seedling emerging in field through a brown mulch of dead cover crops
Read article: Southwestern Illinois(Waterloo) Update: Spring plantings off to a good start
Southwestern Illinois(Waterloo) Update: Spring plantings off to a good start
Out in the field, spring plantings have been off to a good start.  Cool season crops have been very happy.  I have early planted radishes...
people in a high tunnel with plants in rows
Read article: Dixon Springs update: Crops planted in high tunnels
Dixon Springs update: Crops planted in high tunnels
Crops are responding to warm spring temperatures and increased daylength. The crimson clover cover crop began flowering on March 29 and by April 3...
People using a tractor and tree planter to plant peach tree samplings in a field
Read article: St. Louis Metro East Update: 2024 season is running well ahead of average
St. Louis Metro East Update: 2024 season is running well ahead of average
Throughout the St Louis Metro East, the season is running roughly three weeks ahead of schedule, with asparagus in its third week of harvest and...

News Releases

A split image of a peach tree and a blueberry bush.
Extension to offer February programs on fruit trees and small fruits
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. – Fruit trees and small fruits can add a sweet addition to your home landscape or garden. Join Extension for two free programs in February to learn how to grow a bountiful harvest of delicious fruit right outside your back door. Growing fruit trees can be a rewarding...
grapes on a vine
Growing Great Grapes
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Grant McCarty as he presents “Growing Great Grapes” as part of the Spring Break Gardening Series. This program is taking place on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 starting at 6 p.m. at the Jo Daviess County Extension Office, 204 Vine St. Elizabeth, IL...


Day Neutral Strawberries: Why Grow Annual Strawberries?


Why grow annual strawberries compared to June-bearing/perennial berries? Grant McCarty, Local Foods and Small Farms Educator, explains reasons for his day-neutral strawberry research and what he has seen so far from last year's harvest. More conclusive recommendations will be...